Chartist is a simple light weight app which has optimized few essential desktop widgets released by Trading View, FxBlue and MyFxbook to work with mobile devices.
The app currently contains
*.Real Time Currency Charts with many tools and forecasts
*.Currency Strength Meter - A Must have tool
*.Currency Heat Map
*.Price Action News Forecasts
*.Visual Market Open Close Time Table
Chartist ist eine einfache, leichte App, mit der einige wichtige Desktop-Widgets von Trading View, FxBlue und MyFxbook für die Verwendung mit mobilen Geräten optimiert wurden.
Die App enthält derzeit
* .Real Time Currency Charts mit vielen Werkzeugen und Prognosen
* .Currency Strength Meter - A Muss ein Werkzeug haben
* .Currency Heat Map
* .Price Action News Forecasts
* .Visual Market Open Close Zeitplan
Chartist is a simple light weight app which has optimized few essential desktop widgets released by Trading View, FxBlue and MyFxbook to work with mobile devices.
The app currently contains
*.Real Time Currency Charts with many tools and forecasts
*.Currency Strength Meter - A Must have tool
*.Currency Heat Map
*.Price Action News Forecasts
*.Visual Market Open Close Time Table